Concepts Of Standard I/O, Pipe And Filters In Linux/Unix

Standard streams In Linux programming, standard streams are preconnected input-output communication channels between the computer program and environment in which the program gets executed. There are three types of I/O communication channels i.e standard input (stdin), standard output(stdout), and standard error(stderr). This input or output can be redirected to or from a text file using … Read more

How To Change Bootscreen Logo In Linux Mint?

Bootscreen A bootscreen is a graphical representation of the boot process of an operating system. It can be scrolling boot messages in a console or virtual terminal or it can be a combination of both. Bootscreen enhances the user experience. It can also display some errors if the operating system is unable to boot in … Read more

Some Important Commands Used In Linux/Unix

Command-line interface(CLI) is a way that allows users to interact with computer programs through commands. A user issues commands to a program which gets interpreted by a command-line interpreter. Most operating system implements CLI in the form of shells that are used for interactive access of the various services or functions of the operating system. … Read more

How To Add/Remove A Software Repository In Linux?

Software Repository A software repository(also called ‘repo’) is the database of software packages stored on a remote server. The server also contains metadata of packages. Generally, these packages are retrieved by using a package manager in the local machine. When you install a distribution of Linux it comes with a pre-configured default repository to download … Read more

How to Change Permission of File in Linux using Chmod Command

Linux is a multiuser operating system where many number of users can access different files and directories at the same time. Access to all the files is managed using file permission, attribute, and ownership. Ownership makes sure which user(s) can access, and file permission ensures what operations can be performed by different group of users. … Read more

Package Management In RPM (.rpm) Based Linux Distributions

The yum and dnf are the command line package management utilities that can be used for installation, updating, and removal of a software package. These are used in the CentOS, Fedora, and other similar Linux distributions. Centos is a community-supported distribution designed as an opensource version of RHEL(Red Hat Enterprise Linux) while fedora is another … Read more

Process Management In Linux/Unix

A process is an instance of a computer program that is currently running. A program can have multiple instances created when it starts executing which means more than one process can be associated with that program. Multitasking is the method by which these processes share the system resources. Whenever we execute a command on terminal … Read more